You are welcome to join our easy-paced bike rides. Click here for all the information you need.


Sunday, 24 July 2016

Evening ride this coming Thursday

We have an evening ride planned for this coming Thursday (28th). The route will be about 15 miles, which we'll take at our usual sociable pace.

We'll meet at our usual departure point at the north end of Middle Meadow Walk. The ride will start at 7 pm, and we'll aim to finish around 9.30 pm.

It should still be reasonably light by end of the ride, but please be sure to bring lights anyway, as you will need these to see you home - and also in case we get delayed.

We don't stop for a refreshment break on these evening runs, but if anyone wants to go for a drink afterwards, that will not be discouraged.

Remember, you don't need to book in advance for our rides. Just turn up on the day.

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