Our March ride saw us head out to Roslin in weather that would not have been out-of-place in January. The leader had devised an interesting route that took us through areas that few of us had visited before. We also had a journalist join the ride. He is writing an article about cycling in Edinburgh and decided that joining our ride would give him a good insight. He went away better informed, had enjoyed the ride and complimented the group for making him welcome. He also appreciated the informality and friendliness of the group. We're looking forward to reading the article in the "Financial Times" when published.
Despite it being a chilly, damp and overcast day, we managed to muster seventeen riders at the start. Quite impressive given the weather, and a forecast that promised no improvement.

Briefing over, the group headed off via Bruntsfield Links and Whitehouse Loan. We got split up at Streathearn Road where the traffic lights looked as if they would never change in our favour. On the brink of us all walking across at the green man, the lights finally changed. Just along the road, we regrouped and set off again. Through the quiet backstreets of Morningside and we were on Braid Road where we took the path through Hermitage of Braid. As ever, the path was busy with walkers and dogs. It was a bit muddy, but not as bad as it sometimes is. Through the traffic lights at Blackford Glen Road, a short sharp climb up Kirkbrae and we were on Double Hedges Road. We then cut through the back streets of Mount Vernon, before coming to a halt due to the dreaded shout of "puncture!" Alan helped the stricken rider as the rest of us hung around and waited. The delay was longer than expected due to the first tube getting nicked whilst refitting the tyre. Not a day for standing around in the cold, we were pleased to be on our way again. On entering Moredun Woods, the leader stopped and went round the group offering out his home baking. With everyone replenished, it was time to press on towards Roslin and lunch. Through Gilmerton and we were soon on the cycle track that would take us to lunch. In Roslin most of the group headed for the café, one or two made for the pub whilst three hardy souls headed to that popular picnic spot near Rosslyn Chapel - the grave yard.

Lunch over, we headed back to the cycle path to begin our homeward leg. This time we rode the full length of the path back to Danderhall. A mix of roads and paths saw us cross the Wisp and wiggle our way behind the Jack Kane Centre. On leaving the road and heading onto an indistinct grassy path, one rider was unlucky to fall. Fortunately, they were soon on their feet and able to continue. Emerging near to the Bingham bus terminus, we rode straight across the Innocent railway, which led to some puzzled looks on rider's faces. The less familiar route approach was going to continue, even as we neared the end of the ride. The route back to the Meadows took us behind Duddingston House, through Duddingston village and on the road through Holyrood Park. Before leaving the park, we had our final incident of the day. A rider's chain came off. Quick as a flash, the group's chain refitting guru - Yaz was on the case. Within a few minutes, we were on our way back to the Meadows where the leader declared the ride officially over.
Thanks to Iain for leading us on an interesting and unfamiliar route which was enjoyed by all. Thanks to Alan for backmarking and helping fix the morning's puncture. And begrudgingly, we need to thank the weather. Despite being very dull, damp and quite chilly - at least it didn't rain.
Leader: Iain
Report: Glenn
Photos: Glenn