20th Anniversary Year

You are welcome to join our easy-paced bike rides. Click here for all the information you need.


Saturday 11 October 2014

The leading ladies ride to Cramond

On a lovely autumnal morning it looked as if we were going to have less riders on the actual ride than had been on the recce. Having gathered together late comers (including a few that joined after we had set off) we eventually had 24 riders. We split into the now obligitory two groups. Somehow the split went awry with one group of 7 and the other of 17.

Today the ladies were in charge (what's new there then? I hear you ask). Claire was the leader supported by second group leader Julia and backmarkers Verity and Yaz.

We headed to the canal at Leamington Bridge, down the bumps to the Telfer subway and through Roseburn Park and into the unfamiliar maze of back streets around Carrick Knowe. It was here that we had to stop whilst a puncture was fixed. Via Maybury junction, Turnhouse Road, Cammo Walk and Whitehouse Road we arrived at Cramond for lunch. Here the group split in three. Two groups went to cafes at Cramond waterfront and Silverknowes Esplanade, whilst the picnicers sat in the warm sunshine on the waterfront. There was a moment when the picnicers and their bikes almost got knocked into the river by a reversing car pulling a yacht on a trailer.

The sky turned grey and it looked like rain as we got back into our two groups ready to set off after lunch. Fortunately the rain never came and we headed back to the start via Silverknowes Esplanade, the Telford path, Dalry Road, Telfer subway and Leamington Bridge in pleasant sunshine.

Another successful ride enjoyed by all and expertly led by the ladies. The maze of back streets around Carrick Knowe were unfamiliar to many. Well done to Claire for leading us through them.

Leader: Claire
Report: Glenn
Photos: Michael
Map: Jim

View 20-milers to Cammo 11 Oct 2014 in a larger map

Thursday 9 October 2014

Next ride - Sat 11th October

Just a quick reminder about our ride this coming Saturday (11th October). Claire will be leading us on a tour of bike paths and quiet roads in the north and west of the city. There will be a few hills, but nothing too onerous.

For lunch, we'll aim for the Cramond / Silverknowes waterfront area. Unfortunately, this area is not well served by cafés - at least, not for a group of 30 - 40 hungry cyclists. For that reason, I encourage you to bring a picnic lunch this time. It should be possible to buy a hot drink and perhaps a light take-away snack, but it would be better not to rely on getting anything more substantial.

As always, we'll gather at the top of Middle Meadow Walk in time for a 10.30 departure. We should be back in town between about 3 and 4 pm.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Last Extra ride of the year to Aberdour

The last 20 Miler Extra of the year saw nine of our regulars show up in the pouring rain for a ride over the bridge to Aberdour, three of the riders even braved the weather in their shorts. The rain was short lived and was off by the time we had stopped at the bridge for an energy boosting toffee.

Our route to the bridge had taken us along NCN 1 by the A90, the wide smooth path. without tree roots. showed that the work done on this section of the path over the summer was worth it. We all managed to clean our bikes in a huge puddle just outside Dalmeny. Despite the amount of water in the puddle, it was gone by the time we returned.

Once over the bridge our leader, Julia, proved how useful a recce can be as she led us unerringly through Dalgety Bay including sections on unsignposted paths and along the shore of the Forth towards our lunch stop on the sea front in Aberdour. There, bathed in sunlight from a clear blue sky, with views over a very calm Firth of Forth towards Edinburgh, we all enjoyed a fantastic lunch at the "Sands, A Place by the Sea". The staff were very welcoming and the food was enjoyed by all. They will be open between 10 and 5, seven days a week all through the winter for anyone that could not make our ride today but fancies visiting the Kingdom of Fife.

We returned to Edinburgh by the same route as we went out, though it did seem a little slower, probably because of the large lunch we had all partaken.

Thanks to Julia for leading us on a lovely route.

Leader: Julia
Report: David and Glenn
Photos: Michael