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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

20-Milers Extra this coming Saturday

We've got our third Extra ride of the year scheduled for this coming Saturday. Peter (Bennett) has planned what promises to be a pleasant route through the West Lothian countryside, taking in the Kirkliston railway path, a quiet back road by Niddry Castle, and a stretch of the Union Canal through Broxburn. The return leg will take us through Kirknewton and the Heriot-Watt campus.

Length and pace

Please keep in mind that our Extra rides are a bit more challenging than our normal runs. This one will be about 32 miles; it will start earlier than usual, and will go at a slightly faster pace. If you haven't cycled for a while, or if you are doubtful about your fitness level, please consider joining one of our standard rides instead.

Today's route will be on a mix of roads and reasonably good paths, including about four miles of canal towpath. There will be a few moderate
hills, but no killers.

Lunch arrangements

For our lunch break, we will be stopping in Almondell Country Park. The visitors centre there sells vending-machine drinks and a limited range of confectionery, but there is no other food of any kind available. For that reason, please be sure to bring your own food for a picnic.

The ride and picnic will go ahead even if the weather is dubious (light drizzle or an occasional shower); if necessary we can shelter in the visitor centre. But, if the day is really atrocious, we might opt for a shorter route with the possibility of a cafe stop at lunch time. We'll make that decision on the spot.

We will have a "comfort break" about half way through the morning. There are also toilets at the visitor centre.

Meeting time and place

For this ride, we will meet half an hour earlier than usual, that is, at 10.00, at the Craigleith path junction (see here if you need directions to the start point).

The ride will officially end in the Roseburn area, probably around 3 - 4 pm.

Points to note

Just to recap three important points:

- The ride starts at 10.00, not 10.30.

- We will start from Craigleith, not the Meadows.

- Bring food for a picnic lunch.

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