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Monday, 4 July 2022

July ride this coming Saturday

We've got our July ride this coming Saturday (9th). It will be a particularly scenic route through some nice countryside, so I hope you'll be able to join us.

For this ride, we will be heading up to the edge of the Pentlands, with a picnic lunch at the Harlaw Reservoir. There will be a fair amount of climbing in the morning (it is the Pentland Hills, after all), but we will be rewarded with some nice downhills on the return leg. Most of the route will be on quiet roads and well-surfaced paths, with just a mile or two on rough tracks.

The total distance will be about 22 miles. About two thirds of the mileage will be in the morning, which means that we will have a late lunch followed by a relatively short run in the afternoon.

There is no catering of any kind at the reservoir, so be sure to bring food and drink for a picnic. If the weather is bad, bring a packed lunch anyway, as there is the possibility of an alternative lunch venue under cover.

There are toilets (portable loos) at the reservoir. We will also stop for a comfort break about half way through the morning.   

The meeting time and place are as constant as the North Star: 10:30 at the north end of Middle Meadow Walk. As always, the ride is free and open to all. You don't need to contact us in advance. Just turn up if you fancy joining us.

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