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Monday, 6 December 2021

Two 20-Milers rides in December

We've got two rides coming up this month: our normal "second Saturday" run this coming weekend; and our traditional Christmas morning ride on the 25th. Details below.

This week's ride

For our ride this coming Saturday, we'll be heading out to the Heriot-Watt campus at Riccarton. Most of the ride will be on a familiar route via the Braidburn Valley and the Water of Leith. But I can also promise you an interesting new stretch that we have never done before as a group.

There will be a couple of steep climbs in the first half of the morning, and a few gentle hills after that. There will also be a point where we will have to haul our bikes up a flight of steps. Most of the route will be on quiet roads or bike paths with reasonably firm surfaces. The total distance will be a shade over twenty miles.

Lunch arrangements

For this ride, you are strongly advised to bring a packed lunch. But don't worry. You won't have to eat it out of doors, drenched by the rain or shivering in the cold.

When visiting Heriot-Watt, we normally use the cafeteria there for our lunch. Unfortunately, this is currently closed on weekends because of Covid. But there is still plenty of room for us to eat indoors. Toilets are also available. There is a small shop on the campus that sells crisps, chocolate, etc. as well as vending-machine coffee. They sometimes have a limited range of sandwiches on offer, but as these are just whatever is left over from the day before, it would be unwise to rely on them. Hence the advice to bring a packed lunch.

For those of you who prefer to eat in the open (weather permitting), there is a nice loch-side picnic spot close to the main campus building.

Time and place

Our meeting time and place are as constant as the North Star: 10:30, at the north end of Middle Meadow Walk. The ride should finish before dark (sunset is around 15:30 that day), but you should bring lights in case we get delayed and to see you home.

Christmas ride

I'll post more details of our Christmas morning ride nearer the time. For now, just note that we will meet at our usual spot in Middle Meadow Walk, in time for a 10:30 departure. As many of you will have lunch plans, we'll make sure we finish by 13:00 at the latest.

Remember, all our rides are free, and we don't have a booking system. Just turn up if you wish to join us.

And finally ...

Please keep in mind that Covid is still with us. So we'll take care to spread out at the lunch stop on Saturday. And you should, of course, stay away if you have symptoms or have been told to self-isolate.

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