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Monday, 20 December 2021

Christmas morning ride this coming Saturday

We've got our traditional half-day Christmas ride coming up on Saturday (25th). Like all our rides, this one is free and open to all. We'll meet at our usual time and place (10.30 at the north end of Middle Meadow Walk). There is no advance booking of any kind; just turn up on the day.

I realise that many of you will have plans for later in the day, so I'll make sure that we get back to the Meadows by 1 pm at the latest.

The route

The nice thing about cycling on Christmas day is that there is much less traffic than usual. To take advantage of that, our route will include parts of the city centre where we wouldn't normally venture. We'll also take in some bike paths, parks and quiet roads around the periphery.

The total distance will be 10 to 12 miles, which we'll take at a gentle pace with plenty of stops. But note that there will be a few hills, plus a couple of stretches on cobbled roads.

Food and drink

There will be no café stop on this ride (and no toilet stop either - take note). On our Christmas runs in past years, riders have brought all manner of seasonal treats to share: chocolate, mince pies, even mulled wine. By all means, bring similar goodies this year if you wish - but, please, only for your own consumption. Because of Covid, we are asking that you do not bring food or drink to share.

Talking of which ...

You don't need me to remind you that Covid is very much still with us. Even though we will be in the open air, please try to maintain social distancing on the ride. And of course, you shouldn't join the ride if you have Covid symptoms or have been told to isolate or quarantine.

I intend to take a lateral-flow test before setting out for the ride, and I would urge you to do the same. These tests are quick and easy to do at home, and the result is available within 15 minutes. If we all do a test on Christmas morning, we will greatly reduce the risk of spreading the virus on our ride or later in the day.

Looking ahead

Christmas apart, our normal monthly runs continue throughout the winter. The next one will be on Saturday 8 January. I'll post details of that ride nearer the time.

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