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Saturday, 13 October 2018

A wet ride to Roslin

Heavy rain was the order of the day for today's ride to c. Fortunately, the heaviest rain came down when we having lunch in the pub. After lunch, the rain wasn't as heavy; but there wasn't a dry spell on the whole ride. We were able to ride on some new paths, like the one that took us all the way from Danderhall to Roslin.

A turn out of nine riders was better than expected given the heavy rain and the forecast promising more of the same. The only places where we didn't get wet on the ride were in a tunnel, under bridges and at the lunchtime pub stop. We left the Meadows and made our way to the Innocent Railway, where a brief respite from the rain was had in the Innocent Tunnel. Out the other side and the rain hit us again. Clutching at straws for positives on such a day, at least it wasn't particularly cold. We left the Innocent Railway and cut through the industrial estate and crossed Peffermill Road before heading into Craigmillar Castle Park. As we ventured off the surfaced paths, even the lightest of braking resulted in squeals of protest from mud-caked rims and discs. We passed Craigmillar Castle, which we could just about make out through the rain and gloom. Close to the Royal Infirmary, through the new housing estate, before emerging onto The Wisp. Across the road and the shared path kept us off the busy road. Leaving The Wisp behind, quiet suburban roads around Danderhall led us to new houses forming part of the huge Shawfair development. Following a few twists and turns, we were on the new path that would take us all the way to Roslin for our lunch stop. On this path we stopped under a bridge which carried Gilmerton Road. Sweets were passed round, and for a few brief minutes we stopped getting wet. At the next bridge, a couple of graffiti artists were at work decorating the walls. It was interesting to see they were wearing face masks to protect them from the fumes. Good to see them taking health & safety seriously. From there it was a short ride to the pub in Roslin for lunch. Our group of bedraggled cyclists were ushered into the conservatory. Once we had spread around our wet kit to dry, it looked like a refugee camp. It was lovely to be out of the rain and tucking into much needed hot food. This was when the heaviest rain of the day came; we could hear it bouncing off the conservatory roof.

Lunch over, we endured that inevitable pulling on of wet clothing before venturing back out into the rain. It was not raining as heavily as before but felt cooler as we retraced our inward route back to Danderhall along the new path. At The Wisp, we took another new path into Little France Park which then joined up with the path that took us back to Craigmillar Castle. A slight variation on our outward route added a little variety before arriving at Peffermill Road. By now riders were beginning to peel off and head home. Frequently the post-ride coffee stop is a great attraction; today a hot bath or shower usurped that option. So it was a very depleted field that joined the Innocent Railway for the run back into town.

Thanks to Jim for leading an interesting ride and showing us some new paths. Everyone enjoyed the ride; but how much nicer had the weather been better. Next time perhaps?

Leader: Jim
Report: Glenn
Map trace: Jim

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