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Monday, 9 May 2016

Dawn's abseil

Next month, one of our regular riders will be launching herself from the top of the Forth Bridge, for a 50-metre abseil down to the beach below.

Dawn Chapman will be using the abseil to raise money for The Yard. If you've ever cycled through the Rodney Street tunnel or the King George V Park, you will have seen The Yard. It looks like a glorified adventure playground, but it's really much more than that. It plays a very special role in helping autistic children and those with other disabilities.

Dawn will be doing her abseil on the afternoon of Sunday 26th June, at the South Queensferry end of the bridge. If anyone would like to cycle out there to watch the event and give their moral support, please let us know (use the email address in the side panel) and we will organise a ride.

You can read more about the abseil – and especially the reasons that The Yard is so important in Dawn's life – on this page. And once you have read it, please consider sponsoring Dawn in her fund-raising campaign for this very worthwhile cause. You can do that right there on the same page.

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