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Thursday, 14 November 2013

Where to take on food and drink on a bike ride

Over the years - both on our "official" rides and on ad hoc runs by members of our group - we have stopped at a vast number of eating places to take on food and refreshment. So for the benefit of anyone planning a ride of their own, we have now compiled a list of the pubs, cafés and other eateries where we have found the staff friendly and the food of an acceptable standard. The list should not be taken as an endorsement - after all, standards change over time - but these establishments have all served us well in the past, and we would be happy to visit them again in the future. (We've also taken care to exclude the minority of places where cyclists are clearly unwelcome.)

To view the list, click here.

Our thanks to Logan, who did most of the work of compiling and checking the list. Feel free to use the comment box to add your own suggestions or to flag any changes.

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