20th Anniversary Year

You are welcome to join our easy-paced bike rides. Click here for all the information you need.


Monday 7 October 2024

Next ride this coming Saturday

 We've got our October ride coming up on Saturday (12th). I'll be leading us on a tour round the south of the city, taking in the Bioquarter, Mordun, Ellen's Glen, Mortonhall, New Swanston and Fairmilehead Park. The route will include one or two places that we have not visited before as a group.

This won't be a long ride: just under 18 miles. But don't get complacent. There will be several fairly steep hills, and at least one very rough path where we will probably need do dismount for a short distance. Apart from that, we will be on mainly well-surfaced paths and quiet roads, with only one short stretch on a main road that might be busy with traffic.


For our lunch stop, we will visit the garden centre at Mortonhall. There is a spacious cafe there, offering a good selection of snacks and light meals. There is also space to sit outside for those of us who prefer to bring a packed lunch.

Meeting time and place

This is the same as always: 10:30 at the north end of Middle Meadow Walk. The ride will probably end fairly early in the afternoon, but that will of course depend on progress, punctures and other factors.

And as you don't need me to remind you, all our rides are free, with no advance booking.

Other points

Talking of punctures, may I remind you to bring a spare inner tube suitable for your wheel size, along with any tools that might be needed to remove the wheel. That way,
should you be unlucky enough to suffer a puncture, we should be able to help you back on the road without too much delay.

On another point, we always appreciate feedback on our rides as well as suggestions for future rides. A good place for that is the comment feature here on the blog. Just click the "Post a comment" link (or similar wording) at the foot of the page. (You can comment anonymously if you wish.)

Finally, you might like to know that our group received a brief mention in a Financial Times article on 17 September. It was written by Robert Orr, a journalist who came on our ride to Roslin
in March. The article is available on line, but you need a paid-for subscription (or sign up for a free trial) in order to read it. (Thanks to Iona and Steve for telling me about this.)

That's all for now. I hope to see you on Saturday or on another of our rides. In the meantime, happy cycling.

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