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Saturday, 7 September 2024

A 20-Milers Milestone

Around two dozen of us - including many old friends from our early years - got together for a ride and lunch today, to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of our cycling group.

All photos by Neil Miller

Gathering at Middle Meadow Walk for the start of the ride

Alison gives the customary briefing

Not the sunniest of days

On arrival at the Butterflies Cafe, Yaz says a word of welcome

Speeches, presentations and a quiz

Here's to the next twenty years


Glenn Brearley said...

Sorry I couldn't join you on such an important occasion. Great to see so many faces from the past there. Hope it went as well as it appeared from the photos. Here's to the next 20 years for the best cycling group in Edinburgh.

Livia said...

Sorry we had to dash off and miss the group photo. Here's to the next twenty years 👏🏆