You are welcome to join our easy-paced bike rides. Click here for all the information you need.


Tuesday, 8 March 2016

March ride on Saturday

For this month's ride (this coming Saturday), Michael Law will be leading us on a tour of bike paths in the south west of the city, heading out to the Juniper Green / Currie area. Our lunch stop will be the Heriot-Watt campus in Riccarton. This has an extensive cafeteria where you can get hot snacks and sandwiches. There's also a nice picnic spot there, overlooking the loch.

The meeting place and time are the same as always: 10.30, at the north end of Middle Meadow Walk.

The dark afternoons are now receding, so you won't need to bring lights for this ride (unless the weather is bad and visibility poor). But do give your bike a check-over to make sure it's road-worthy. And please bring a spare inner tube if at all possible.

There's no need to book a place on our rides. Just turn up at the appointed time.

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