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Monday, 6 January 2014

January ride this coming Saturday

We've got our first ride of 2014 coming up on Saturday (11th). I know it's a bit chilly at the moment, but an invigorating bike ride is an excellent way of getting warmed up, so do try and join us if you can.

For this month's outing, Alan Orr will be taking us on a tour of bike routes in the Currie, Hermiston and Riccarton area. It's not a particularly hilly route, although there might be a couple of short climbs. There will, however, be several sections on rough tracks, and these might be muddy in places. The total distance will be about 19 miles.

As always, please regard the above details as provisional. Depending on the weather and the conditions on the day, we might opt for a slightly shorter and drier route. We'll see nearer the time.

We'll meet at our habitual starting point at the top of Middle Meadow Walk, in time for a 10.30 departure. It's not possible to say for sure what time the ride will end, but, all being well, we should be back in the city centre by about 3 pm. Although it won't be dark until after 4 pm, it would be sensible to bring lights just in case we get delayed.

That's all for now. Despite the winter weather, we've had some excellent rides these last few months, and this month's run should be no exception.

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