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Monday, 5 November 2012

November's ride outline

Route for Saturday 10th November's ride
Chris Pearson will be leading the group on a route that covers quiet roads, little-known paths and seldom-visited villages on the south-eastern edges of the city. There are also two historic houses along the way. Lunch will be at Mortonhall. We'll probably return via the Braidburn Valley path.
Chris warns that there may be some short muddy sections. And, he adds, "the steep climbs will be short and the long hills will be gentle".
At the lunch stop, you can choose either a snack in the Stable Bar, or the café in the garden centre, which offers a good range of sandwiches, salads, soups, baked potatoes and the like. The courtyard of the Stable Bar is a good choice for those who like to bring their own food.
Although we fully intend to be finished by dusk, there are always the possibility of delays, so we recommend that you bring bike lights on the ride over the wintery months. 

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Dr Purva Pius said...
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