You are welcome to join our easy-paced bike rides. Click here for all the information you need.


Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Next rides

Just to get ahead of the game a bit, here are the dates and leaders of the next few rides:

February 13th - Leader: Andy
March 13th - Leader: Alan
April 10th - Leader: TBC
May 8th - Leader: Livia
Destinations to be confirmed nearer the time.

All rides leave at 10.30am from the top (North) end of Middle Meadow Walk. We have lunch somewhere half way round (bring a picnic if the weather looks promising, or there is [almost] always a cafe or somewhere similar to buy food) and are usually back in town by 3.30pm.

In the winter months it's essential to bring lights in case of delays, and we also recommend you bring a spare inner tube suitable for your bike. We go at an average speed of about 8-10mph and we aim to use quiet roads and cycle paths where possible, however we do need to cross some busy roads at times. Children are welcome if they are up to the distance and pace and are supervised by an adult.

If the ride is cancelled because of inclement weather then Mike will send an email round a couple of days before, and a message will be posted on this blog. Send us an email (see left) to join the mailing list.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

9th January ride cancelled

For the second week running, we've had to cancel a ride. The run that was scheduled for 9th January will not now take place. This is because most local bike paths and minor roads are still covered in ice and compacted snow, making cycling hazardous.

Our next ride is on 13th February. We can only assume that conditions will have improved by then, but check back here nearer the time to be on the safe side.