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Monday, 26 December 2011

Half-Day Ride for Christmas Morning (25th December 2011)

As an experiment, we thought we'd have a short run on Christmas Day this year. Seven people turned up - a very respectable turnout, all things considered. The weather was reasonable, apart from a fierce wind from the west.

The route took us down the Mound and along Princes Street, which was at its all-time best: no road works (the current tram works have been suspended for the month), and the street completely closed to motorised traffic. If only it could always be like that.

We then cut through the West End and into Haymarket Yards, where the tram lines are finally taking shape. We joined the Roseburn Path in Balbirnie Place (the usual Russel Road entrance being closed until the summer), then on to Groathill, Craigleath Hill Avenue and across Inverleith Park to Warriston, where we joined the Goldenacre Path.

At Victoria Park, we paused for cake, kindly provided by some of the group. Then we headed back to town by way of the Warriston Path, through the Rodney Street Tunnel, and the steep climb up Scotland Street and Dublin Street to St Andrews Square, where we went our separate ways.

In summary: a very pleasant two-hour ride - and a successful experiment. All being well, we'll try something similar next year.

Leader, and report by: Mike

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