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Saturday, 6 July 2013

Extra Ride to Dunfermline

For our second Extra ride of the summer, 22 of us headed for Dunfermline. The glorious weather of the last few weeks continued (the temperature reached 23C), and unlike several of our recent rides, this one was completely puncture-free.

 Alan Orr led us out along NCN 1 from the three-way path junction at Craigleath. Just past Cramond Brig, the path was closed for improvement works, so we followed a signposted diversion through the Dalmeny Estate. This was on a pleasant well-surfaced track which provided better cycling than the official NCN 76 route through the estate.

The diversion ended by the estate's main gate near Dalmeny village. From there we continued on NCN 1 to the Forth Road Bridge, pausing at the observation point on the bridge's southern approach (see photo). It was here that the Queen officially opened the bridge in 1964, and it provides an impressive view of both the road and rail bridges.

Once into Fife, we headed up Ferry Toll Road and Hilton Road past the Navy Dockyard. This was followed by a short stretch on a busy main road, before turning off up an undulating - mainly uphill - quiet road into Dunfermline.

Our lunch stop was the excellent Pittencreiff Park. Some of the group made for the café, with the majority opting for a picnic on the lawn.

For the return leg, we retraced our steps as far as Dalmeny, from where we took Standingstane Road and the road past Carlowrie Farm back to Cramond Brig. We finally arrived back at Craigleath around 4.30, after a total of just under 35 miles. Another highly successful ride on a beautiful sunny day.

Leader: Alan (Orr)
Report: Mike


Anonymous said...

It was a truly fabulous day out - the wee climbs on the way there made for some nice downhill spins coming home. With cycling to and from the ride though I think I was near my limit for riding in that heat. Must fit a second bottle cage again! Thanks and well done to Alan! Iain R

Livia said...

Sorry I missed it!