20th Anniversary Year

You are welcome to join our easy-paced bike rides. Click here for all the information you need.


Tuesday 8 April 2008

Gateways to the East

We are looking forward to an excellent ride this coming Saturday (12th April).
Darren Mirfield will be leading us on a tour of three railway paths which he calls "Gateways to the East". These are "excellent and scenic routes, traffic-free corridors that will get us into the heart of East Lothian". The total distance will be 24 miles, with only a few moderate hills. Some short stretches might be muddy.
Lunch will be in Musselburgh, where there is a choice or cafes (or bring a picnic if you prefer). Note that the lunch stop will be slightly later than usual, so adjust your appetite accordingly.
We'll gather at the top of Middle Meadow Walk (by the Lauriston Place traffic lights) in time for a 10.30 start. Because this ride will be slightly longer than usual, you should plan to be back in town around 16.00.
By the way, for those of you who like to buy a snack to take on the ride, Sainsbury's have kindly opened a new branch right by our meeting point.


Anonymous said...

great to see this blog up and running. I'm still on holiday this Saturday and will get out with the 20milers this summer.

Anonymous said...

Gateways to the East was another excellent ride. Many thanks to Darren for leading it, and also to Livia for setting up this blog.

If you haven't already done so, take a look at the photos. The ones of the big puddle and the subsequent ascent of the muddy bank are very evocative. Fortunately, the rest of the ride wasn't like that.
