
Monday 7 November 2016

November ride this coming Saturday

We've got a ride this coming Saturday (12th November).

Jim will be leading us on a tour of parks and open spaces in the south of the city. We'll be visiting the Hermitage of Braid, Inch Park, Craigmillar Park, and the newly-restored bike path to Danderhall. We'll stop for a pub lunch in Gilmerton, then head out to Eskbank and Whitecraig before returning to town via the Innocent Path.

The total distance will be about 23 miles. There will be a few moderate hills but no other difficulties.

The meeting time and place are the same as ever: 10.30, at the north end of Middle Meadow Walk.

As always, please regard the above details as provisional. The meeting time and place are sacrosanct, but we always reserve the right to vary the route and lunch venue according to the weather, path conditions and other factors.

Lighting up

Now that the clocks have gone back, please be sure to bring lights on our rides. This month's ride is planned to return to the Meadows before dark, but you will probably need lights to see you home - and also in case we get delayed. So check that your lights are in working order, and that they have plenty of battery power.

Looking ahead

We've got two rides planned for December. Our normal monthly run will be on the 10th, and we will have our usual Christmas morning ride (which this year is a joint venture with EasyCycle) on the 25th. I'll post more information about those events nearer the time.

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